Green Up Day to clean up Route 100 corridor in an hour

The winning poster entry for Green Up Day Vermont.

Green Up Vermont’s mission is to keep environmental stewardship exciting and rewarding for all and to pass this knowledge to the next generation of Jedi litter-clean-up volunteers. This year’s theme is teamwork.

“We are introducing some special campaigns this year that focus on big teams and working together. In addition to all city and town efforts we are running a special Vermont Top-to-Bottom Green Up campaign that runs from the Canadian border to Massachusetts along the Route 100 scenic byway, and with volunteers placed at every mile, it is essentially a 208-person relay team,” said executive director Kate Alberghini. “Everyone will start at 10 a.m. and have Vermont Route 100 cleaned in about an hour.”

Green Up Day this year is Saturday, May 4.

Green Up Vermont has also announced a Guinness world record attempt for the most pledges received for trash clean up in 24 hours.

“The goal is to include all Vermonters and visitors who want to make the pledge. We have timed it around Green Up Day so that people will act on their pledge and be inspired to clean up some litter,” Alberghini said.

Be a part of the world record attempt by visiting

Last year’s Armand Poulin Memorial Poster Art contest winner was a seventh grader from Essex Middle School; the writing contest winners were both from Ryegate, while the jingle winner came from Waterford.

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